Mechanism of Using Natural Language Processing Techniques in Developing Interactive E-Book

نوع المستند : البحوث العلمية الأصيلة


1 كلية التربية النوعية . جامعة دمياط

2 prof.Dr.using computer in education - Computer teacher prepration department-Damitta University

3 Dr.using computer in education-Computer teacher preparation department-Damitta University


This research describes how to use natural language processing techniques to develop an interactive e-book using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) technology, which is a widely used method to analyze, understand, and summarize large sets of textual data and discover the underlying topics in them. The purpose of the proposed system is to extract keywords from the paragraphs of the interactive e-book as they represent a summary of educational text data. The proposed system is an educational platform through which the student can view or download the interactive e-book and learn about the extracted keywords. The proposed system was tested on a sample of 40 male and female students from the Computer department at the College of Specific Education, the results showed positive student attitudes towards the proposed system, the importance of using natural language processing techniques in the educational process to enhance student participation interests, and interaction with the content.

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